sectors and tools

Stella Medica plays a part in various health sectors

STELLA MEDICA takes part, with its methods and tools, in various health sectors.


STELLA MEDICA has a presence in every hospitalization-related job (medicine, surgery, obstetrics, cancer research, aftercare, rehabilitation, home care, psychiatry, etc.) and in all mainland French regions as well as in French overseas territories.

The Managers develop their needs with our assistance.
We then draw up a job description that we send to selected candidates.

In Doctors and surgery, we can look for visceral surgeons, orthopedists, urologists, ophthalmologists, obstetricians, pediatricians, nutritionists, functional re-education doctors, geriatricians, and for any other kind of medical specialty.

We can also look for psychiatrists, hospital pharmacists, coordinating doctors for retirement homes or home care units or doctors specialized in cancer prevention for instance.

Naturally, we can also look for directors, HR managers, health managers, physiotherapists, orthoptists or pharmaceutical assistants.

We have taken part in the creation of a health-care facility, in its development phase as well as in its recruitment of staff.

Throughout his or her career, each candidate is offered individual support until they are integrated in their chosen facility.



We mainly use the ‘direct approach’ more often called ‘headhunting’.

It is a proactive recruitment technique based on an organized, tried and tested approach which guarantees relevant results in keeping with the profession’s code of ethics.

The direct approach is the best solution to respond to confidential, complex research linked to the shortage of profiles with specific or rare skills.

It allows to identify ‘high potential candidates’, to capture and reach the ‘best’ candidates in a target sector, who are generally not tuned to the market and who do not appear in conventional circuits (response to job advertisement, jobboards).

The strategy is ‘tailored’. We, at first, explore all possible resources to detect, approach and ‘seduce’ the most relevant candidates.

As representatives of our customers, we defend their projects, their culture and values with quality and conviction. We are very solicitous to working closely with them. Good communication and reporting are very important for us throughout the recruitment process.

We use multiple tools:

  • advertisement on targeted partner websites year-round,
  • key words referencing,
  • research on community and social networks,
  • sourcing Web2.0 on jobboards,
  • Fairs and congress (SFO, ANMSR),
  • International recruitment (in particular in Spanish universities for physiotherapists)

Besides, Medica Stella invests in the most advanced techniques of recruitment (softwares, personality tests, etc.)


Our online job advertisements

Stella Medica offers positions as doctor or paramedic in regular or rehabilitation facilities, in practices or retirement homes.

Stand-in or permanent positions, installations, all opportunities are possible.

To apply to opportunities in France or French overseas territories, you should be registered with the French medical association.


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